أقسام الشروحات

Affiliates (1)

All things to support affiliates

Emails (6)

All things related to emails

Getting started (2)

Articles to help you get started quickly

Payments and billing (2)

All things related to your accounts, payments and billing

الأكثر زيارة

 How to log into your cPanel

cPanel is a powerful but easy to use tool that helps you manage your hosting and websites without...

 How to create or delete email accounts in cPanel

This article gives you steps to creating or deleting an email account via your cPanel....

 How to register as an affiliate

This article gives you steps to registering as a Jesede affiliate - as a new or existing Jesede...

 How to boost your email deliverability

If you didn’t already know, shared hosting sometimes presents challenges with mails not being...

 How to add your email account to Microsoft Outlook (Desktop)

Microsoft Outlook is a popular email client on desktop and on mobile devices. This article gives...

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